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What Does a PRP Facial Do?

A PRP Facial can take years off your face and give you a fresh, youthful glow that acts as an immediate confidence booster. At ALC Medspa in Gurnee, Illinois, we know that your face is your fortune, and we can help you preserve your looks with treatment plans that are easy and effective. If you feel like your face isn’t what it used to be, let us help.

What Does a PRP Facial Do?

PRP facial treatment works to generate collagen in the skin and help your face look fuller and less lined. The effects of the facial begin showing up right away and increase over the course of three to six months. Most people see the effects of this treatment for up to a year, although individual results vary. Essentially, this treatment is the closest thing that you can get to the fountain of youth.

What Happens During The Treatment?

Every person is different, so your plan might vary from what other people, so make sure that you consult with our team so that we can put together an appropriate treatment plan that will fulfill all of your needs. The treatment uses your own blood to create a stem cell-rich plasma in a highly scientific process that enables your technician to develop a uniquely designed formula for you. Once your blood comes out of the centrifuge, it’s put right back into your face, where it immediately works to start generating new collagen.

It’s a quick process that is minimally invasive and requires virtually no downtime, making it one of the more popular new treatments around. Since this treatment uses your own blood, there’s very little risk of an allergic reaction or infection.

Common Benefits

There are so many different benefits to this treatment, but the biggest one is that most people look years younger after having it done. These stem cells can also help smooth out wrinkles and acne scars, giving you a flawless complexion that you can be proud of. Some people find that their age spots vanish as well and that fine lines are eradicated even in areas where the treatment isn’t performed.

Why Is This Treatment Effective?

The rich plasma that makes up your PRP Facial is essentially youth serum, and it acts as an agent that stimulates collagen and healing processes in the skin. The treatment takes the patients’ own blood and separates it so that it’s as potent as possible and then injects it back into where it can be most effective. It works because it’s a targeted treatment that uses your own blood, so there is no risk of an allergic reaction to your body rejecting the treatment. It’s as natural as you can get.

Is This Treatment The Same as a Vampire Facelift?

Although this treatment is also called the Vampire Facial, it’s different from a Vampire Facelift. Vampire Facelifts are a combination of the PRP Facial and subdermal fillers, which contribute some volume to the face and do a little bit of sculpting, in addition to promoting collagen growth.

Why Celebrities Love This Treatment

This treatment has long been Hollywood’s open secret for tapping into the fountain of youth. All sorts of A-List celebs have admitted to having these treatments done, and some even post Instagram pictures of themselves during the middle of the treatment. What’s really great is that now, you can get all of the benefits of these treatments without having to break the bank. They are accessible to everyone who wants to look and feel a lot younger.

Celebrity endorsement is one thing, but plenty of medical professionals are also touting the beauty benefits of the PRP Facial. It’s clear that the best medicine for your skin is a dose of your own plasma.

Keeping the Results of Your Treatment for the Long Run

Although the results of this treatment are specifically designed to last for several months, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that your skin is luminous and lovely long after you leave the clinician’s office. These suggestions can also help you live a happier and healthier life in general.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle can seriously impact your looks, and a healthy lifestyle will often lead to a fairer face with fewer wrinkles. One of the biggest culprits of dull skin and wrinkles is cigarettes. Cigarettes damage your cells and cause your skin to age well before its time. Many smokers also have mouth lines or other signs of aging skin. If you are a smoker, try to quit or at least cut back on them. Quitting smoking can boost your health in plenty of ways and keep your skin looking its best as well.

Drink Ample Water

The real fountain of youth can be found right inside your kitchen. Water will help your skin look its best and can prolong the positive effects of your PRP Facial. Aim for eight glasses of water per day. If regular water doesn’t appeal to you, you can liven it up with a lemon or lime wedge or steep citrus fruits or cucumber in your water for a delicate flavor. Teas also work, but many of them can be diuretics, so be careful, as caffeine dries out the skin and can prematurely age you as well.

Get Your Exercise

Exercise promotes blood flow, and the more red blood cells that rush to your face, the more collagen stimulation you will get. Although exercise is not a substitute for a PRP Facial, it can certainly help prolong or enhance this treatment’s effects. Try to mix in both cardiovascular and weight exercises into your routine, and aim to exercise at least a few times a week. You don’t need to start off by running marathons, but you should try to incorporate some movement into your routine. Many people find that they really enjoy it once they start exercising and want to continue doing it.

Diet Matters

You’ve heard it before; eat the rainbow! Your diet directly correlates to your looks in very dynamic and tangible ways. If you want to keep your PRP Facial results for as long as possible, make sure that you eat a healthy diet that is not reliant on simple carbohydrates or sugars. You can mix and match with fruits and vegetables, but aim for at least five per day, and try to sneak in extra nutrition where you can. If your diet is healthy, your skin should look plumper and less sallow.

The following foods are great for healthy skin. Try to get them into your diet in creative ways for the best results. If you can’t stomach the thought of eating leafy green vegetables, try disguising them inside of a smoothie. Combine spinach or kale with orange juice, a banana, and some strawberries for a delicious treat that tastes like a fruity dessert, not a nutrient powerhouse.

  • Orange bell peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Lentils
  • Salmon
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Nuts
  • Peas


Complimentary Treatments

Everyone is different, and our team does not believe in cookie-cutter approaches to treatment plans. We offer plenty of other different types of treatments that can complement your PRP Facial and give you the best results possible. Some people prefer to pair this treatment with Botox and Dysport, FDA-approved neurotoxins that target wrinkles and make skin look far younger. If you have very deep lines, Fractora could be just what you are looking for. This treatment targets pigment irregularities, deep lines and tightens up your skin all in one go.

IPL or Intense Pulse Light treatments also help with pigmentation irregularities and can reduce the look of sunspots and rosacea. Forma is a great treatment to seriously tighten up the skin in a non-invasive way. Since it also promotes collagen production, it’s a good companion to a PRP Facial and can help you look years younger over time.

Similarly, microneedling stimulates collagen growth and can target acne scars as well. All of these treatments can work in tandem with your PRP Facial to give you the specific results that you are looking for. Since we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions, make sure that you contact us to learn more about which treatment plan is right for you.


Dermal fillers are hot right now, and it’s very easy to see why. These fillers work to plump out your face, contouring it so that it’s exactly the desired shape that you want. As we get older, our faces lose elasticity and the youthful bounce that they once had. With dermal fillers like Restylane and Juvederm, you can get back the shape and look quite a bit younger. Many people prefer to get this treatment done in conjunction with their facials so that the face looks more rounded and smoother while the collagen works to turn back the hands of time.

One of the most effective fillers on the market is Bellafill, which can actually last for several years as opposed to a few months like other types of fillers. Bellafill is an exciting new product on the antiaging scene, and it is speculated to last up to five years. The reason is Bellafill’s unique formula that allows it to stimulate collagen production and keep your skin plump without degrading inside of the body like other types of fillers. Talk to us to determine exactly what complementary treatments, if any, are appropriate for you and your skin regimen. We also offer several different types of body treatments that can shave off years from your looks from the neck down. There are truly many different options.

Get Luminous, Young Skin Today

If you want luminous, young skin without having to go under the knife, a PRP Facial might be exactly what you have been looking for. These facials are revolutionary in that they use your own blood to create a perfect serum that stimulates collagen and actually incorporates stem cells right into your face. It’s virtually painless, minimally invasive, and there is no downtime. In short, it’s just about the perfect facial for people who want beautiful, youthful skin that will last for several months or more. It’s nothing short of the fountain of youth, and it’s available to you right now.

In the past, only celebrities had access to the exciting types of treatments that we have now, but you can tap into the age-defying effects of this treatment for yourself. Simply get in touch with us for a no-pressure consultation and a personalized treatment plan that is designed just for you. You owe it to yourself to put your best face forward, so why not discover what so many A-List celebrities and people just like you already have seen for themselves? Visit us at ALC Medspa in Gurnee, Illinois today to learn more.

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