
Achieving defined contours can be difficult, particularly in areas that are more difficult to target than others. Fat often accumulates under the chin, and it can be hard to target and minimize the presence of this submental fat. However, KYBELLA is an injectable treatment that offers a non-surgical method to address this concern! Discover the benefits during a consultation with us at ALC Medspa in Gurnee, IL!


KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically formulated to reduce the presence of a double chin. This non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. This acid naturally occurs in the body to break down dietary fat.

KYBELLA may help:

  • Redefine the jawline
  • Smooth the appearance of the chin
  • Target and destroy stubborn submental fat

KYBELLA reduces the fat associated with a double chin. It may not help rejuvenate the appearance of loose or excess skin in the area.

What Could I Expect from the Treatment Process?

KYBELLA treatments are simple but effective. Injections are carefully made into specific areas of concern. As injections are made, the synthetic deoxycholic acid begins to target and break down the fat in the area.

These injectable treatments are administered during outpatient treatment sessions in the comfort of our Illinois office. Although there is minimal pain associated with the process, you may experience some slight discomfort or pinching at the injection site. However, treatment sessions are relatively short and you should be able to resume your normal daily activities!

Results achieved with KYBELLA will vary for each person and their experiences. Most people begin to enjoy some initial results shortly after treatment, and results gradually improve. It is important to keep in mind it may take some time to see the best results, but results are intended to be permanent. A healthy lifestyle may help you maintain your results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

KYBELLA is a safe and effective treatment option for most generally healthy adults who are frustrated with the presence of a double chin. This injectable treatment is suitable for most people who are seeking non-surgical methods to eliminate stubborn fat. It may not be beneficial to those who are interested in removing or tightening loose or excess skin in the area.

A consultation with our staff in Gurnee can help you best understand this treatment option. They can help you develop your personalized treatment plan to help you best achieve your aesthetic goals.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Interested in learning more about your options for achieving a slimmer, smoother profile? Contact us today at ALC Medspa and schedule your consultation to learn more about KYBELLA! Our qualified professionals proudly serve you from Gurnee, Illinois. We look forward to helping you target and reduce unwanted submental fat.